The Camp of the Wayfarers in Love

Started in Puglia, a project that has its roots deep in the cultural treasures preserved in the Museums of Apulia, various discoveries, symbols, and icons of the region.
This symbolism is artistically processed by Tarshito and his team, acquiring contemporary value and becoming an integral part of the artwork. The same concept will be expressed by an artist in the traditional style of the place in which they live, Tarshito will travel to this place to unite the artwork.
The Puglia Region meets other cultures based on similarities and reflecting symbolism. A union between different traditions with similar cultural roots.

“The Camp of the Wayfarers in Love”

“The Camp of the Wayfarers in Love” is a continuation of Tarshito’s past project “The Path of the Wayfarer in Love”, in which he travels around the world to complete a 10,8 meter long painted scroll, discovering and working with traditional artists/artisans he meets during his travels. “The Camp of the Wayfarers in Love” is a collective art project in which Tarshito travels to seven other countries to collaborate with artists from different cultures creating artworks in the form of painted tents…

A Part of the tent is painted by Tarshito and his team in Italy, then like a turtle that carries its home on its back, Tarshito travels with the tent to meet and collaborate with people from other cultures, traveling to places where other artists that he meets will contribute on the other half of the tent, concluding with a spiritual celebration ceremony, an exhibition, an offering to the Divine – the union between cultures. A professional video maker collects video material.

7 are chapters of the project aimed at expanding into many others: Thailand, India, Colombia, Bangladesh, Brazil, Myanmar and Argentina.

Here is the summary video:

Chapter 1 – Thailand

Chapter 2 – India

Chapter 3 – Colombia

Chapter 4 – Bangladesh

Chapter 5 – Brazil

Chapter 6 – Myanmar

Chapter 7 – Argentina

Chapter 8 – Mongolia

Chapter 9 – China

“The Camp of the Wayfarers in Love” is aimed at artistically meeting with custodians of traditions and ancestral values. The fundament of this art practice is the study and knowledge of the symbolism of the Puglia Region (Italy) and uniting them with international cultural symbols.

The tents are microcosms and welcoming places where souls meet to express their spirituality through art, a safeguarding place for every creature, a practice, a prayer, an act of radical hospitality that becomes a source of blessing. The tent is a concept beyond any religion and belongs to all cultures to create safe spaces for discernment, dialogue, rest, study, and a shelter that connects all of us wayfarers in love.

“With great gratitude for all of the enchanting moments that life brings, my heart caressed with love by the remarkable people I have had the opportunity to meet, open to the miracle of what the future beholds…” – Tarshito